利用 Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count,一個文字分析的程式可以為論述裡的字詞做定量闡發,
“There’s a whole generation of lab work that’s been inconclusive,” said sociologist Scott Golder of Cornell University, co-author of the tweet analysis published Sept. 29 in Science. “Every study would have something different to say about what they saw in their subjects’ affective rhythms.”
Many studies of how moods — or, more technically翻譯社 positive and negative affect — change from minute to minute and day to day rely on self-reported surveys翻譯社 which can be inconsistent if not misleading. The subjects of these studies also tend to be undergraduate students from western colleges, a group that’s not always representative of humanity at large.
The resulting trends — positive moods starting high in the morning and declining through the day翻譯社 peaking overall on weekends — held steady around the world.
Image: Golder et al./Science
“這些發現是令人興奮的,迥殊是正面影響逾越龐大的地輿及文化差異日常模組的穩定性” 匹茲堡醫學大學的心理學者Brant Hasler說道,“一個系統化的正面情感平常模組是人類存有的根蒂根基部分”
By Brandon Keim September 29, 2011 | 2:30 pm | Categories: Brains and Behavior, Tech
The 140-character format itself might also be misleading, reducing the use of adjectives that would give more nuanced indicators of emotional tone, Hasler said.
By Brandon Keim September 29, 2011 | 2:30 pm | Categories: Brains and Behavior, Tech
The details seem intuitive: positive feelings peaking in the morning, dipping during work and rising at day’s end; negativity accumulated over the workweek dissipating late on Friday afternoon. But they’ve proved surprisingly tricky to measure.
Twitter users, of course, don’t represent humanity either. But the culture- and globe-spanning size of the software platform’s community翻譯社 and their constant generation of data that can be cross-referenced and correlated and otherwise computationally investigated, make them alluring to researchers.
Twitter-Mining Captures Global Mood Patterns
Citation: “Diurnal and Seasonal Mood Vary with Work翻譯社 Sleep翻譯社 and Daylength Across Diverse Cultures.” By Scott A. Golder and Michael W. Macy. Science翻譯社 Vol. 333翻譯社 September 30, 2011.
According to Golder翻譯社 analysis of crowd-generated datasets isn’t intended to replace other methodologies翻譯社 but to complement them, providing yet one more way of investigating social patterns. Until recently翻譯社 “there hasn’t been any practical way to observe large numbers of people in fine-grained detail翻譯社” he said.
However, said Hasler, “One must be very careful in extrapolating emotional state from a highly specific form of communication like Twitter.” People often present themselves strategically, and periods of especially intense emotion might be over- or under-represented.
- 周日是整周平均最充滿正面情緒的一天,尤其是周日上午到達岑嶺,但整周最高興的時辰是要接近午夜十二點前的周六(下一個最高興是周五,第三名才是周日)翻譯
“I applaud the creativity of the authors’ methods, and the ambitious scope of their sample,” said Hasler. “Now, we need to address two questions that follow from this: Why do these daily patterns exist? And how can we use this knowledge to improve our own lives and those of others?”
- 固然周六薄暮是正面情感的最高的時刻,但同時也是負面情感最高的時辰(這一點很有趣,華碩翻譯公司想或許是沒有行程的人在電腦前發出的怨念吧)。
- 上班日的負面情感在過了早晨六點後保持均衡但跟著越晚越多,非上班日負面情感的情感波動低的比上班日低,高的也比上班日高(真是激烈的週末)。
140種的角色花樣也有可能誤導,減化形容詞的利用方式會給推供更多微妙的情緒唆使, Hasler說道。
Golder和配合作者Michael Macy闡明了二年來84個國家裡240萬人總共5億9百萬的推文翻譯
“華碩翻譯公司向作者技術的創意鼓掌,還有他們樣本數觀察的野心” Hasler說道。“此刻我們需要從這個材料提出二個問題:為何這些平常模組會存在?還有我們若何運用這些常識去改良我們的糊口或是其他方面?”
但是, Hasler說道:“必然要非常地小心推斷情感狀況,從一個高度相異的溝通模式下像是推特”人們常策略性的表達他們的想法,還有一種特別的情素或許過度或是不被表達出來。
“The findings are exciting翻譯社 particularly the robustness of the daily patterns in positive affect across vastly different geographical areas and cultures,” said Brant Hasler, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “A systematic daily pattern of positive mood is a fundamental part of human existence.”
Using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count翻譯社 a text analysis program that quantifies the emotional content of statements, Golder and co-author Michael Macy analyzed a total of 509 million tweets generated over two years by 2.4 million people in 84 countries.
“Twitter and Facebook, market transactions on eBay and Amazon: This is the stuff of everyday life” for much of the world, said Golder. “For a social scientist to have access to these records is a fantastic new opportunity.”
Though the proposition that mood is governed by circadian and sleep cycles is widely accepted, other studies of mood fluctuations have found varying patterns, especially for positivity: A single afternoon peak翻譯社 a day-long plateau, dual peaks at noon and evening or afternoon and evening, a mid-afternoon dip. Those discrepancies may be based largely on factors eliminated by the new study.
援用自“Diurnal and Seasonal Mood Vary with Work, Sleep, and Daylength Across Diverse Cultures.”由 Scott A. Golder and Michael W. Macy所著於科學期刊2011.09.30,第333頁。
http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/09/twitter-global-mood/康乃爾大學的社會學者Scott Golder 說:“全部實行室的工作變得很不確定性”,推特研究的配合作者在科學期刊9月29日揭曉“每一個研究關於他們在對主體的感受水平都有些不一樣”
Hourly changes in average positive (top) and negative (bottom) affect, arrayed by time (X-axis) and day (color). (Golder et al./Science)雖然情緒被日夜轉變和睡眠輪回安排是廣泛被接受的,其他情感波動的研究卻有相異後果,特別是正面情感: single afternoon peak翻譯社 a day-long plateau, 在午時或薄暮顯現高漲,或下晝及晚上,下晝三點擺佈下落.這些不一致也許是基於大部分新研究中被疏忽的事實翻譯
- 負面情緒不絕積累到過了半夜三點才會因為睡眠而快速降落(因為累了嗎?),但正面情緒從子夜十二點就開始徐行降落。
這篇報道是說,由Scott A. Golder and Michael W. Macy所寫的研究呈文出現的圖表有很大的樣本數和特殊性,而這個圖表很有趣,用X軸為時候;Y軸為情緒積累,各類色彩的線各代表星期,
翻譯公司可以看到天天正面情感和負面情緒跟著時候而分歧,這個記者並找了另一位學者Hasler來評論他們所寫的報告,看完整篇報道只能說,這研究類的文章其實沒重點到不可,明明這張圖表就非常有趣,居然整篇文章也只有提到“正面感受在淩晨到達高峰,然後從工作最先下落又最先上升到一天竣事前;而負面感受積累整周工作日然後到周五下晝消除不少。”,我本身來解讀以下: An analysis of mood patterns distilled from half a billion tweets has produced a civilization-scale picture of how moods rise and fall in tandem, over time and across the world.
文章出自: http://blog.sina.com.tw/759/article.php?entryid=614864有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯社02-23690932