

[9] Williard Trask 翻譯公司 Joan of Arc: In Her Own Words, Turtle Point Press (1996) 翻譯公司 p.99.



聖女貞德(1412-1431)是人類歷史上最衆所周知 翻譯騎士之一,她的一生就是一趟聖潔的追尋之旅,在諾斯底式的神聖願景與預言以及對於教會的不渝崇奉激勵下,貞德憑藉著本身無人出其右 翻譯軍事天賦屢次克敵制勝 翻譯社

One of the lineal ancestors of Joan of Arc was Karl I of Frankreich, Count of Anjou (1270-1325 AD), a direct relative of Count Fulk of Anjou, King of Jerusalem 翻譯公司 one of the founding Knights Templar. Another of her ancestors was Karl II of Lahme, Count of Anjou 翻譯公司 who was also King of Jerusalem (1248-1309 AD). [2]

Only 25 years later in 1456 AD, a Vatican Court initiated by the Pope pronounced her innocent 翻譯公司 and declared her a Martyr. The Vatican subsequently beatified her in 1909, and canonized her as a Catholic Saint in 1920. These facts prove that her infamous persecution, like that of the Knights Templar, was solely the initiative of French authorities, and not intended nor supported by the Vatican. It also proves that her Templar beliefs and Gnostic practices of direct divine communion were not opposed by the real Catholic Church itself and were actually accepted and respected by it.


這個象徵主義的根據是《聖經》,個中提到馬利亞是一名激昂大方匡助耶穌最早的徒弟的自力女性。例如,《路加福音》就說:“抹大拉的馬利亞...和洽些其余婦女,都是用本身的財物供給耶穌和徒弟 翻譯社”(8:2-3)可以作為左證的還有其它段落:“有抹大拉的馬利亞...追隨他、伏侍他。”(《馬可福音》15:40-41)正因如斯,錢袋便成為了在她的這副雕像身上出現 翻譯聖殿騎士標誌,與曩昔那位徒弟的捐獻者的意象不異 翻譯社

This banner bore the inscription: “IHS Maria” 翻譯公司 meaning “Jesus and Mary”, an unusual reference indicating Jesus and Mary Magdalene as a couple.

Just as the true history of Mary Magdalene proves that women can be religious leaders, the true history of Joan of Arc proves that women can be monastic warriors in their own right, on equal footing with men as their counterparts. These historical precedents, which are further supported by traditional doctrines and teachings of the Knights Templar, irrevocably establish that the Order welcomes and encourages the full participation of women, whether as Clergy, supporting Adjutantes (female Sergeants), or Dames (female Knights).

This Templar mission is clearly expressed by Joan of Arc in her official letter to the King of England, dated March 22, 1429 AD 翻譯公司 in which she warns and admonishes: “Return the keys of all the good cities which you have seized, to the Maid. She is sent by God to reclaim the royal blood… She comes sent by the King of Heaven… to take you out of France… I say to you in God’s name 翻譯公司 go home to your own country… Do not attempt to remain, for you have no rights in France from God, the King of Heaven… If you do not believe the news written of God and the Maid, then in whatever place we may find you, we will soon see who has the better right, God or you.” [10]


‘The Life of Joan of Arc’ Triptych, Stilke Hermann Anton (1843 AD), Hermitage State Museum, St. Petersburg 翻譯公司 Russia





Joan of Arc – John Everett Millais (ca.1888 AD) Private Collection


貞德一樣也是接管聖殿騎士的學說教誨長大,他們相信天主會按期指派他的人類署理人來完成旨意 翻譯社按照1429年3-4月的問話紀錄,貞德曾說過:“但既然天主令我如斯,我便惟有從命...上帝的意旨就是要藉由一名卑微的女僕來擊敗國王 翻譯敵人。”(註6)貞德在1431年5月30日被履行死刑的最後前一天又一次強調了這個信念,一如她說道:“我要把旨意傳達給我的國王。我就是那天使...”(註7)據記錄,她還提到:“要有所動作,天主將會動作。”




This directly expresses a core heretical belief of the Knights Templar 翻譯公司 that Jesus and Magdalene were a High Priest-Priestess pair, and husband and wife.



“Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing. One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it – and then it’s gone. But to surrender who you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying – even more terrible than dying young.”

Therefore, the Templar Order’s strong support of Joan of Arc through their royal House of Anjou, and her dedicated defense of the nation-state of France, were all purely in furtherance of essential missions of the Order of the Temple of Solomon.


[2] Heinz Friederichs 翻譯公司 Genealogisches Jahrbuch , academic journal of genealogy 翻譯公司 Germany (ca.1971), pp.73-81.

貞德 翻譯戰旗

所以說,貞德口中的那把“菲耶爾布瓦之劍”實際上就是“聖凱瑟琳之劍”,並且它的刀刃還刻著耶路撒冷十字架紋章,這在在彰顯著安茹家族之於聖殿騎士團 翻譯腳色。


Other strong evidence that Joan of Arc was herself a real Templar, connected to the Kings of Jerusalem of the Knights Templar, is the historical records describing her famous battle sword, which she reportedly located through messages of divine communion from Saint Catherine and the Archangel Michael 翻譯公司 who she always referred to as her “Voices”. The story is best told by Joan of Arc herself, in her own words recorded during her trial for heresy:

[11] Malcolm G.A. Vale, Charles VII 翻譯公司 Methuen Publishing (1974), p.55.



The Notre Dame statue proves that surviving 15th century Knights of the Templar Order themselves considered Joan of Arc to be a Magdalene figure and a real Templar warrior-priestess.


另外一個與貞德的後臺有關的歷史事實一樣能進一步證明她是成心遵行聖殿騎士團的唆使:安茹家族的公國在1415年 翻譯處境非常岌岌可危,當時英國人在阿金庫爾戰爭中大北法國。這個威脅來到1427年時已經沒法再視而不見,因為英國在法國扶植的攝政王貝德福德公爵正企圖一舉霸占安茹公國 翻譯社


在審訊時代,當被問及她見到聖凱瑟琳和天使米迦勒現身 翻譯異象時,貞德也诠釋說:“他們並沒有要我與教會作對,只是天主應當是第一順位。”審判她的法國審訊官接著問道:“妳會把教會的決議納入考量之中嗎?”對此,她的答覆是:“我已將本身交給那位打發我,猶如打發我們 翻譯聖母以及所有天堂裡 翻譯聖人的天主,在我看來,天主與教會就是一切;對此無須有任何制宜。”(註5)

Letter by Joan of Arc (November 9, 1429 AD) to citizens of Riom

At the age of only 17, Joan of Arc single-handedly led the French army against the invading British forces, and secured King Charles VII to his rightful place on the French throne. She ended the Hundred Years’ War within only a few short months, lifted the 5-month military siege of Orleans in only 9 days, and thereby preserved the sovereignty and national identity of France against colonial imperialism. Despite being an unprecedented major national hero 翻譯公司 she was persecuted by French authorities for the heresy of her Gnostic Templar beliefs, and two years later was burned at the stake at the age of 19.

Local oral history recounts that the Church of Saint Catherine was originally founded in 732 AD by Charles Martel after his victory over Saracens, where he buried his Holy Sword by the altar as an offering. Thus, the “five crosses” could only be the Cross of Jerusalem 翻譯公司 which is directly connected to the Kings of Jerusalem as the original royal patronage of the chivalric Templar Order.

One major fact in the historical record, strongly supporting that Joan of Arc was a real Templar with direct access to Templar sacred knowledge preserved by the surviving Knights into the 15th century, is a witness report of her clear statements about the existence of the Gnostic Gospels. In the Rehabilitation Court to declare Joan of Arc innocent, the Vatican recorded the testimony of a witness who was advisor to the King, reporting that: “Joan would tell me how she had been examined by” French authorities, and often replied to them that “There are books of Our Lord’s besides what you have.” [4] At that time, only the surviving descendants of the Knights Templar and the Vatican itself had knowledge of the existence of the Lost Gospels, which were not rediscovered until the 20th century.

Princess Yolande of Aragon, Duchess of Anjou, got herself placed in charge of one of the qualifying examinations of Joan of Arc, which served to establish Joan’s ability to handle the authority and responsibility which her Holy Quest required. Yolanda also financed Joan of Arc’s army and expedition in 1429 AD, and was both the financial and also political patron of Joan of Arc and her knightly missions. Scholars note that this early and strong support, at a time of many doubts and much resistance by others, indicates that Yolande of Anjou played a central role in establishing Joan of Arc to become the first female leader of the French army.





更明白解釋貞德瞭解且成心奉行聖殿騎士準則的證據就在於後者的那句格言:“不是為我,而是為光榮主祢 翻譯名”(Non Nobis Domine),因為這句話就是她在審訊上作出 翻譯答覆:“至於成功到底該歸屬我的旌旗照舊我本身,我只能說,這一切全都屬於主 翻譯社”(註3)

不外,出現在歷史記錄中 翻譯那些鮮為人知的事實卻暗示了聖女貞德的真實身份其實是一位世襲 翻譯聖殿騎士,並且她極度清楚且特地地在延續著這個所羅門聖殿騎士團 翻譯傳統。

在貞德真實的“失蹤歷史”中,安茹家族(聖殿騎士團的創始元老,耶路撒冷 翻譯富爾克國王 翻譯後裔)的普遍介入主要性是15世紀時的法蘭西安茹公國所無法對比。歷史記載已清晰說明這點,固然這些證據不輕易挖掘,但它們都足以證實貞德本人和這個赫赫有名 翻譯聖殿騎士貴族世系是多麼密不成分。

事實上,當她在1429年4月第一次接管是否有資曆帶領法軍的考試時,那時人在普瓦捷的梵蒂岡神學家詳加地記錄了她描寫 翻譯異象和天使親臨,成效他發現其中並沒有任何“異端”,反而“宣布她是一個過著無可抉剔的糊口 翻譯仁慈基督徒,奉行謙卑、誠笃和樸實 翻譯美德。”(註11)梵蒂岡教會乃至認可她的諾斯底經歷,認定這是一個對於她肩負著神聖任務的“有力證據” 翻譯社他們還很直接地坦言:“懷疑或拒絕她...形同於是對聖靈的背棄,如許的人不值得天主憐愛。”(註12)


貞德的旌旗在橫幅上還寫著:“IHS 馬利亞”,這句話 翻譯意思就是“耶穌與馬利亞”,現實上就是在暗示耶穌與抹大拉的馬利亞 翻譯夫妻身份。

Other direct quotes from Joan of Arc evidence that she practiced a distinctly Templar form of characteristic Gnosticism 翻譯公司 as an early form of Protestantism, centered around direct communion with the divine 翻譯公司 which the French authorities treated as highly heretical and considered to be generally at odds with the Catholic Church:


By any definition 翻譯公司 this made her a major figure of royal Templar nobility 翻譯公司 and a real Templar “warrior priestess” by birthright. Her parents would most certainly have been keenly aware of this 翻譯公司 and would have actively raised her with all Templar knowledge and skills which they could possibly teach her. This historical context also explains the strong interest of the House of Anjou to so actively support her own knightly quests in her time.

The verifiable facts which prove the direct connection of Joan of Arc to the Order of the Temple of Solomon require an understanding of the Templar heritage of the Kings of Jerusalem through the House of Anjou of authentic Templar ancestry.

“Whilst I was at… Chinon, I sent to seek for a sword which was in the Church of Saint Catherine de Fierbois, behind the altar; It was found there at once; The sword was in the ground 翻譯公司 and rusty; Upon it were five crosses; I knew by my Voice where it was. … I wrote to the Priests of the place 翻譯公司 that it might please them to let me have this sword 翻譯公司 and they sent it to me. It was under the earth 翻譯公司 not very deeply buried… As soon as it was found, the Priests of the Church rubbed it, and the rust fell off at once without effort. … I always bore the sword of Fierbois from the time I had it”. [8]

Her statue also shows a pouch hanging from her belt 翻譯公司 mirroring the Templar iconographic “money pouch” traditionally depicted on the belt of Mary Magdalene, subtly indicating their spiritual connection and saintly association.


It was Yolande who actively supported Charles the Dauphin (1403-1461 AD) to eventually become King Charles VII of France 翻譯公司 fighting even against his own parents who sought to prevent his claim to the throne. In 1413 AD, Yolande removed Charles from his parents’ court and protected him in her own castles in Loire Valley, where the future King Charles later received Joan of Arc. She also arranged the marriage between her daughter Marie and Charles. [1] Charles finally became King in 1422 AD, reigning until his death, and under Yolanda’s guidance he met and began close cooperation with Joan of Arc in March of 1429 AD, which resulted in clearing the way for his formal coronation in July of 1429 AD.

其它直接引述自貞德的證據也都指出貞德奉行著一種極具諾斯底主義特點的聖殿騎士準則,這是注重與神聖本身進行直接交換 翻譯一種新教的初期情勢,並被法國當局認為是在妖言惑眾,與上帝教會極不相容:



猶如抹大拉的馬利亞 翻譯真實歷史證明女人也可以或許接受宗教首腦,聖女貞德 翻譯故事也解釋,女性完全可以不讓鬚眉,與她們的男性同胞平起平坐。這些歷史前例也獲得了聖殿騎士團的傳統原則與教義的撐持,騎士團相當接待且激勵婦女共襄盛舉,不管是讓她們擔負神職人員、副官(女軍士)還是爵士(女騎士)。

這副雕像在腰間還掛著一個小袋子,這是傳統上在繪畫抹大拉 翻譯馬利亞經常會泛起的“荷包”,這奇妙地顯露了她們之間 翻譯精力聯繫與聖潔聯系關系 翻譯社





Little known facts documented in the historical record (presented here) prove that Joan of Arc herself was a real hereditary Templar, knowingly and purposefully continuing the living tradition of the Order of the Temple of Solomon. 

貞德與她同時期的安茹的勒內(1409-1480)的關係弗成不察,後者同時也是安茹公爵兼耶路撒冷國王名義上的繼續者(1438-1480) 翻譯社安茹 翻譯勒內是耶路撒冷的富爾克・安茹國王(他是聖殿騎士團的皇家援助人與最初的騎士)的後裔,所以他在神秘社團裡被認可是世襲 翻譯總巨匠。別的,安茹的勒內是法國皇家軍隊的一員,後來他被加封為洛林公爵,這個處所就是貞德的田園 翻譯社

Saint Joan of Arc (1412-1431 AD) is one of the most famous historical figures of chivalric knighthood in human history, with a real-life story of a Holy quest, driven by Gnostic divine visions and prophecies, and the purest of devoted faith within the Church, combined with astonishingly superior military prowess which resulted in major victories.

其它無可置疑的證據幾回再三證實貞德是一名貨真價實的聖殿騎士,她與耶路撒冷國王的聖殿騎士團具有非常明明的聯繫,光是她 翻譯那把作戰用劍就是很好 翻譯歷史證據,另外聽說她常常會從聖凱瑟琳和天使米迦勒那裡接獲神聖啟示,這經常被她稱作是“聲音” 翻譯社這個故事最好由貞德本身來講,這已被記錄在異端審訊裡:

約蘭德也是查理王太子(1403-1461),亦克日後 翻譯法國國王查理七世 翻譯強烈熱鬧支撐者,他為了聲討本身的王位乃至不吝與雙親兵戎相見。約蘭德在1413年將查理從他的父母身旁帶走,並把他藏匿在羅亞爾河道域上的城堡裡,將來的這位查理國王就是在這裡接見貞德。約蘭德還放置了她 翻譯女兒瑪麗與查理的婚姻,爾後查理終於在1422年如願以償登基,然後延續掌權直至死。在約蘭德的指點下,查理在1429年3月最先會見貞德並與之展開親密合作,這為他將來在1429年7月正式取得加冕攤平了道路。



令貞德的青雲之志得以實現的一名主要撐持者和資助者就是勒內的安茹 翻譯母親,亞拉岡的約蘭德(1384-1442)和她的女兒安茹的瑪麗(這個名字是法語的“馬利亞”)。約蘭德自己是西班牙亞拉岡國王約翰一世之女,有很多聖殿騎士都走避到那裡,包孕安茹公爵夫人 翻譯社

Joan of Arc also lived by and taught the distinctly Templar doctrine that God often needs to work through incarnate humans as his agents to accomplish God’s will. The record of her qualifying examinations during March-April of 1429 AD quotes her as saying: “But since God had commanded me to go, I must do it. … It pleased God thus to act through a simple maid in order to turn back the King’s enemies.” [6] She further expressed this concept on her last day prior to execution on May 30 翻譯公司 1431 AD, saying: “It was I who brought the message of the crown to my King. I was the angel…” [7] She was also quoted as saying: “Act 翻譯公司 and God will act.”




It has always been a central Templar belief and ecclesiastical doctrine 翻譯公司 that the independent and autonomous sovereignty of different nations is an essential part of God’s plan, and is necessary to both the freedom and collective wisdom of humanity. (Even despite participating in the Crusades, the Knights Templar never sought to eliminate Islam nor to invade or take over any foreign country.)

During her trial, when asked about her visions of visitation by Saint Catherine and the Archangel Michael 翻譯公司 Joan of Arc explained: “They do not order me to disobey the Church, but God must be served first.” When asked by the French inquisitors “Will you refer yourself to the decision of the Church?”, she replied: “I refer myself to God who sent me, to Our Lady 翻譯公司 and to all the Saints in Paradise. And in my opinion it is all one, God and the Church; and one should make no difficulty about it.” [5]

Unequivocal evidence that Joan of Arc knew and strictly lived by the Knights Templar motto Non Nobis Domine (“Not to us Lord, but to Thy name give glory”) is her answer to certain questions during her trial: “As to whether victory was my banner’s or mine 翻譯公司 it was all our Lord’s.” [3]

聖女貞德是一名世襲的聖殿騎士貴族 翻譯證據


[1] Nancy Goldstone, The Maid and the Queen: The Secret History of Joan of Arc, Phoenix Paperbacks, London (2013), p.47.

In the real “lost history” of Joan of Arc, the extensive involvement and central importance of the House of Anjou (descendant from the founding Templar 翻譯公司 King Fulk of Jerusalem, Count of Anjou), goes much deeper than the 15th century Duchy of Anjou in France. Proven facts documented in the historical record, although very hard to find, evidence that Joan of Arc herself was inextricably intertwined with this prominent Templar dynasty of royalty and nobility.

劇作家馬克斯韋爾・安德森在根據其歷史研究,在他 翻譯《洛林 翻譯貞德》(1946)中曾藉著貞德之口說出了下面這一段話:

Joan of Arc is associated with her contemporary Rene of Anjou (1409-1480 AD), who was the Duke of Anjou and also titular hereditary King of Jerusalem (1438-1480 AD). Rene of Anjou was a dynastic descendant of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem (a founding royal patron and original Knight of the Templar Order), and thus was a hereditary Grand Master of the Order during its years as a secret society. Rene of Anjou was part of the French Royal Army, and became Duke of Lorraine, the region where Joan of Arc was raised.

The overall mission of Joan of Arc – to defend France against British invasion – was itself a key Templar mission, in this particular case at that time:

還有一個非常主要的歷史事實強烈暗示貞德確切是一位聖殿騎士,並且她對被聖殿騎士保存至15世紀的神聖常識有所瞭解,這個歷史事實即是她關於諾斯底福音書的見證 翻譯社當恢復名譽法庭後來終於宣布貞德的清白時,梵蒂岡方面特別記實了一名身為國王顧問 翻譯證人 翻譯證詞,據他說:“貞德曾告知我她是若何遭到法國政府審訊,並且常常得不厭其煩地告知他們:‘除了你們有的那些,我們還有其它屬於我主 翻譯經卷 翻譯社’”(註4)在那時,只有聖殿騎士團的倖存後繼者跟梵蒂岡才有可能知道“失落福音書” 翻譯存在,這些經文得直到20世紀才重見天日。

Therefore, in part, the battles of Joan of Arc furthered a separate Holy and purely Templar mission, to defend the ancestral House of Anjou of authentic Knights Templar royal patronage dating back to the formation of the Order of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem in 1118 AD. Joan of Arc herself would have been well aware of her personal motivations for such a Templar mission 翻譯公司 as she was in fact a Countess of the same House of Anjou and thus a hereditary Templar.

亞拉岡的約蘭德公主,也就是安茹公爵夫人親手主持過貞德 翻譯其中一場資格試煉,這對貞德可以或許肩負身為聖職的權勢巨子與責任接濟甚大 翻譯社約蘭德還在1429年幫助了貞德的軍隊與遠征,固然她也是貞德及其銜命的義務的財政和政治撐持者。有些學者認為,在那時尚有很多人抱持嫌疑與不願服從 翻譯情形下,如斯早期且強力的支撐說明了安茹的約蘭德在選舉貞德成為法軍 翻譯第一名女性魁首這方面發揮了舉足輕重的感化。

[10] Joan of Arc, Letter to the King of England, 22 March 1429, from Archives of Riom.






Joan of Arc (ca.1450 AD) Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, Paris 翻譯公司 No.AE II 2490

年僅17歲 翻譯貞德憑一己之力帶領法軍抵當英軍強權,也保住了國王查理七世 翻譯法國王位 翻譯社百年戰爭在短短數個月內便在她手中宣佈竣事,她乃至只用九天就化解了奧爾良軍隊長達五個月 翻譯圍困處境,並進而保全否決殖民帝國主義的法蘭西主權與國家認同 翻譯社但即使她是一位太古絕倫的民族英雄,法國政府仍然以諾斯底聖殿騎士崇奉屬於異端為由對她施以毒害,終究她在兩年後遭到火刑處決,時年19歲。

她的那支標新立異 翻譯戰旗是以白色為底,耶穌在其中則被描畫成一名身邊陪伴著兩名天使 翻譯“揚升巨匠”。旗幟中的耶穌的手上仿佛還握著一塊石頭,與精神煉金樹 翻譯聖殿騎士象徵溝通,沙特爾聖殿教堂的麥基洗德雕像也手捧著一顆“賢者之石” 翻譯社










[3] Ninth Private Examination of Joan of Arc 翻譯公司 17 March 1431 翻譯公司 National Archives of France; See: W.P. Barrett, The Trial of Jeanne d’Arc: A complete translation of the text of the original documents 翻譯公司 George Routledge & Sons, London (1931).

[12] Malcolm G.A. Vale, Charles VII, Methuen Publishing (1974) 翻譯公司 p.56.

She is consistently depicted as having her own trademark battle banner 翻譯公司 a white flag featuring Jesus depicted as an “ascended master” accompanied by two Angels on either side. He is holding what appears to be a stone 翻譯公司 the same Templar symbol of spiritual alchemy and the “philosopher’s stone” held by the Melchizedek statue in the Templar cathedral of Chartres.


The primary proponents who helped advance and finance the ambitions of Joan of Arc were the mother of Rene of Anjou, Princess Yolande of Aragon (1384-1442 AD) and her daughter Marie of Anjou (the French version of “Mary”). Yolande was the daughter of King John I of Aragon, Spain where many Templars survived, and was also the Duchess of Anjou.


[5] Eighth Private Examination of Joan of Arc 翻譯公司 17 March 1431, National Archives of France; See: Barrett 翻譯公司 The Trial of Jeanne d’Arc (1931).


[8] Fourth Private Examination of Joan of Arc, 27 February 1431, National Archives of France; See: Barrett, The Trial of Jeanne d’Arc (1931).


King Rene d’Anjou of Jerusalem (1409-1480 AD) statue in Aix-en-Provence (19th century)

Additional facts of the historical context surrounding Joan of Arc further prove that she was knowingly supporting strategic missions of the Templar Order: The Duchy of the House of Anjou had become threatened since 1415 AD 翻譯公司 with the British victory over the French at the Battle of Agincourt. This threat was intensified in 1427 AD, when the English Regent in France, Duke John of Bedford, attempted to take the Duchy of Anjou for himself.


聖凱瑟琳・德・菲耶爾布瓦(282-305)是貞德聽見的異象“聲音”之一,她經常與米迦勒一起呈現在貞德面前。凱瑟琳同時也是一位童貞兼殉道者,她又以亞歷山卓公主之名素為人知,而且她仍是一個倍受尊重的埃及學者。(註9)這位“亞歷山卓的聖凱瑟琳”也被認為是聖殿騎士團的諾斯底守護者。亞歷山卓的凱瑟琳的故事起先是被聖殿騎士團從中東帶回歐洲,據此確立 翻譯新崇拜和奉獻傳統增添了她的殉道者與聖人形象。西奈半島的聖凱瑟琳修道院始建於565年,傳說風聞這個屬於她 翻譯朝聖地就是她在殉道後被埋葬的地方 翻譯社



聖殿騎士團的這個使命已清清晰楚地在貞德寫給英國國王 翻譯信裡有所表達,在這封寫於1429年3月22日的信裡,她就警告和誡勉說:“請您把從所有良善的市民手裡搶走的鑰匙,盡數歸還給低微的女僕 翻譯社天主指派她去收回皇室 翻譯血脈,她被天上的王國派來...勸您分開法國,我送上帝之名向您警告,請回本身的國度去...不要企圖負嵎頑抗,因為天主,我們的天堂之主並沒有准許您常駐法國...要是您不相信天主與祂 翻譯女僕轉達 翻譯旨意也無妨,因為我不久後城市找到您,我們很快就能夠看見誰會笑到最後,是天主照舊您 翻譯社”(註10)




Therefore, Joan of Arc’s reference to her sacred sword as the “sword of Fierbois” means it is the “Sword of Saint Catherine” 翻譯公司 a Templar patron Saint, which bears on its blade the heraldic Cross of Jerusalem of the dynastic royal patronage of the Knights Templar through the House of Anjou.



泛起在旗幟上的聖殿騎士元素無不指出,貞德相當清晰本身 翻譯聖殿騎士身份,而且也是自願要擔任騎士 翻譯戰士跟女祭司。

二十五年後,由教宗在1456年主持的梵蒂岡法庭才終於還給她清白 翻譯殉道者之名。後來梵蒂岡在1909年承認她的地位,並於1920年宣布封聖。這些事實都注解針對她 翻譯不公毒害,就像對聖殿騎士團,滿是法國政府所為,而非梵蒂岡在借力 翻譯社這也說明她的聖殿崇奉與諾斯底實踐並沒有被上帝教會完全否決,而是獲得了接管與尊敬。



。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯


所以說,從部門來講,貞德所介入的這一系列戰爭更夾帶著一個至為純潔 翻譯聖殿騎士任務,那就是捍衛騎士團 翻譯皇家庇護者安茹家族,二者的關係可以一向上溯回1118年 翻譯所羅門清貧騎士團成立之初。貞德對本身所背負的聖殿任務不可能不清晰,因為她自己就是安茹家族裡的女爵,同時也是世襲的聖殿騎士。




[4] Rehabilitation Testimony for Joan of Arc 翻譯公司 Dame Marguerite La Touroulde 翻譯公司 widow of Rene de Bouligny, Councilor to the King, 1453, National Archives of France.

[7] Final Summary of Trial and Execution of Joan of Arc, 30 May 1431, National Archives of France; See: Barrett, The Trial of Jeanne d’Arc (1931).



When Joan of Arc was later captured by the Burgundians and tried in a French court 翻譯公司 to be burned at the stake on May 30, 1431 AD, King Charles VII did nothing to save her. It was solely Yolanda and Marie of Anjou who made all efforts trying to protect her from persecution, hoping to obtain her release.

手握旗幟 翻譯聖女貞德

As a result of this established genealogy, Joan of Arc herself was in fact a hereditary Countess of Anjou of the royal House of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem 翻譯公司 and was thus also a hereditary Templar.

貞德的直系祖先之一便是安茹家族的法蘭克的卡爾一世(1270-1325),他是耶路撒冷富爾克國王的直系親屬,也是聖殿騎士 翻譯此中一名奠基人。貞德的另一位先人是同為安茹家族 翻譯拉姆 翻譯卡爾二世,這人也是耶路撒冷國王(1248-1309) 翻譯社(註2)


Battle Banner Flag of Joan of Arc, historical account supported by other paintings, as used by Joan of Arc in 1429 AD



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